Why I Pray in Tongues

Steve Fish • Apr 13, 2016

As the man went around the room, he laid hands on my first roommate. And my first roommate began to speak in tongues. Then, the man laid hands on my second roommate. He began to speak in tongues. Now, there was only one roommate in the room left to pray for - me!

I was a first year university student and God was doing many new and exciting things in my life. However, I had heard so many negative things about speaking in tongues. I had even heard that it was from the devil. I certainly did not want to give the devil any place in my life.

I had recently begun to study the topic in scripture and had discovered that the Bible was actually very positive about the benefits of this gift in prayer.

It was one of those moments that seemed to take place in slow motion as the man came around and laid his hands on my head. I’ll never forget the choice and the prayer I made in that moment. I didn’t say it out loud, but it was reverberating within me, “Lord, I want everything you have for me! I will no longer fear what people think of me. I want everything you have.”

Interestingly enough, I didn’t speak in tongues in that moment. However, I would never be the same. Something incredible had happened inside of me in that moment. God began to fill my life in a way that He never had before. My fears were gone! I now had a confidence and boldness that enabled me to share my faith with complete strangers. Where I had been empty a few moments before, my heart was now filled with song.

Years later, I can’t say how thankful I am for that moment. It was truly one of the most important moments of my life. It was a moment where I said “yes” to a whole new realm of this great adventure of knowing the Living God. It was a step out my comfort zone. It was a step out of living life in the natural and into a whole new place of the supernatural. … a step I have never regretted.

Several years later, at the end of a church meeting, a man laid his hands on me and said, “the Lord has given you a prayer language, speak!” In that moment, I spoke. I spoke in a language I had never learned and I knew it was from God. Now, over thirty years later I’m also very thankful for that moment and for a gift that has through the years helped me know God in a deeper way.

Everything God does is about our walking with Him and knowing Him in a deeper way. Speaking in tongues is not about having some sort of badge or even just a gift. It is about living in a new and deeper place of intimacy with God.

It is the one gift of the Spirit specifically designed to help you personally stay in touch with God all of the time. The Bible says it this way, “For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries.” 1 Corinthians 14:2

When we come into relationship with God, our life becomes a never ending conversation with Him. You are involved in a conversation with God that will never end… even for all eternity. God wants to give you a gift that will help you in this conversation. He wants to give you a gift that will help you in moments when you feel strong and in those moments when you feel overwhelmed and have no idea what to pray.

One day I received a call from a man in the church whose wife had just had a baby. Immediately I could feel the fear as he said, "She has just had the baby, but she (the mother) is not doing well at all. They think she might die if something doesn’t change very quickly.”

I ran to my car and began to rush to the hospital. I felt so much fear that I was almost shaking. I didn’t know what to pray. My mind and my emotions were overtaken by the gravity of the situation. I began to pray out loud in tongues. As I prayed, the phrase, “She will not die but will live!” quickly popped into my mind. Within a few seconds, it was reverberating within me. “She will not die, but will live!”

The fear that was consuming me a few seconds ago had now completely melted away. I picked up my phone and called the husband and said, “She will not die, but will live!” And she lived!

Later, the husband shared with me that everything shifted when I called him and said, “she will not die, but will live!” A confidence came upon him in that moment and the entire situation began to shift for the good.

I honestly do not know that I would have been able to hear the Lord in that moment if I wasn’t praying in tongues. The gift of tongues is a gift that helps us bypass our minds in prayer. This can be extremely helpful anytime, but especially helpful in moments of intense emotional stress.

God wants to give you things to pray that your mind (as amazing as it may be) would never come up with! The bible says it like this: “for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries.” 1 Corinthians 14:2 As you pray in tongues, you are going to speak mysteries! There are things God has been longing for us to pray. Even things that have never been prayed before in all of creation. There are things He has reserved for this moment in history. There are mysteries God wants to give us to pray. Mysteries that our natural minds would never be able to come up with. Praying in tongues helps us to speak and come into agreement with these mysteries.

Praying in tongues also strengthens you. The bible says, “One who speaks in a tongue edifies himself; but one who prophesies edifies the church.” 1 Corinthians 14:4. This verse is not saying we have to chose between the gift of tongues or the gift of prophecy. It is saying we get to do both! I pray in tongues privately to strengthen myself and out of that place of strength I get to prophesy and bless and encourage those around me.

When someone gives you a word of encouragement or prophecy you are strengthened and built up. Praying in tongues has the same effect, except that it is not based on having to receive a word externally. It helps you tap into a well of internal encouragement and strength in God. As you pray in tongues, you are personally strengthened. And that is good. In fact, that is really good!

One night a group from our church had been ministering in a town 3 hours away from us. We had a wonderful night of ministry and did not leave to head home until very late. As we left that night to drive home, I felt a challenge from the Holy Spirit to pray in tongues for the entire journey home. So as I drove home that night I prayed in tongues for almost 3 hours straight.

That next morning, after very little sleep I was shocked at how good I felt after spending most of the night praying in tongues. Praying in tongues strengthens us in ways we can’t even comprehend.

Praying in tongues won’t solve all your problems or fix all of your “issues”. It won’t suddenly make you a person of great character and maturity. It will simply help you stay in touch with an amazing, living, loving God who longs to transform you and the world around you. And for me, living and staying in touch with Him means everything.

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Movement leaders from around the world gathered together for the deeply spiritual act of eating pizza together. In this home setting you could feel the energy in the air. Seasoned leaders who had pastored and led revival movements for 50 years and young pastors just getting started in the journey. Something so beautiful happens when the generations converge! I floated from conversation to conversation and from pepperoni to veggie to meat lovers as the evening progressed. Finally, I found myself surrounded by some amazing young leaders and as we began to sample the dessert table the questions began to flow and something incredibly profound begin to unfold. One of the younger pastors interjected, “Tell us more about the revival move you experienced in the 90’s.” It’s hard to express the wild mixture of emotions I felt in this moment. Honor. I felt honored that someone would value and recognize the treasure of what I’ve seen God do in the past. Shock. Yes, shock. I was much older and farther down this road before I learned how to truly value the testimony of older generations. But now, a generation is rising up that is not only looking for the “new thing”. They know it’s about the double portion that comes from combination of the old and the new. I’m thankful for the patience of leaders who surrounded me in my early days when I came in as the young leader all about the new thing. At times I had very little honor or value for the old or for the price paid by a previous generation to open up the highways I was freely enjoying. As we began to reach the point where there was no more room in our stomachs for even the best of the desserts on the table, it happened. What do you call it? It’s that moment of connection when "the deep" of one generation begins to really connect with "the deep" in another generation. It's that moment when you know something precious is being imparted from generation to generation. That "something" no amount of money can buy. And it's not a one way thing. It's a two way highway of transference. It's that moment where the sound of the testimony of one generation convergences with the sound of another generation and the "baby" in each generation leaps with the expectancy that greater things are about to be birthed than any of us have seen or imagined. It's not a sound that says, "let's go back to 1981, 1993, or 2007." God forbid! No. An older generation is rising up that has no desire to try to squeeze a new generation into an old movement or wineskin. A older generation is rising up that will not resist or even simply tolerate the fresh move of God they will once again be captured by it. An older generation is rising up that does not see themselves as lifeguards watching safely from the shore to correct the young crazy swimmers. No. A generation is rising up that is not here to watch and judge from sidelines but is ready to dive into the deep waters again with the younger generations. From the raging wild untamable currents of the precious river of the Spirit of God we will imperfectly and humbly together be overwhelmed and conquered by something neither generation can control. The waters of the old will converge with the waters of the new as something wild, crazy, and holy is conceived. The host of the evening began to clean up. The conversation came to an end. We went our separate ways. We were not the same. Pizza, precious treasure, and the convergence of the generations. Deep is calling to deep and the stirrings of a fresh move of God are being felt across the earth. I see and feel hunger like I haven't seen or felt in years. I feel the foundation, testimony and faith of the old and the untamed fury and fire of the new. Yes, count me in, Lord!.
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